Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hot August Night

It's A Summertime Thing

Well, the sun’s beating down on the pavement
Money in the bank, I ain’t gonna save it
Jenny coming by, I hope she makes it
Jenny coming by and I sure hope she makes it

It has been a weird summer.

Normally summer is a languid time for me. I work, and then I play. Go to the beach a lot. Fish. Drink beer. Listen to music. Read. Make love, when I can. Dodge hurricanes. It’s all very tactile, sensual even. Some of my fondest memories are from the summertime.

There’s a party next door and it sounds like its cookin’
I poke my head over the wall and take a look in
It was a five-piece band, and they was really rockin’
It looked like some kind of family reunion

I don’t know why, but I have been all out of sync this summer. I have never really hit my languid, lethargic summer stride. I’ve picked up a bad juju of some kind, from somewhere. I have been sick three times this summer so far, and I never get sick. Head and chest colds. Allergies, which I have never had before. I don’t like being sick, it makes me feel bad. I was sick for most of our vacation, too. Up at the lake. Laying around the lake house, reading magazines. Sucks.

That summer heat’s got me feeling lazy
The air is warm and the sky is hazy
People gettin’ down, gettin’ crazy
People gettin’ down, gettin’ stupid, gettin’ crazy

Hot this summer, too. I don’t believe in global warming, but I am having an increasingly difficult time maintaining that intellectual stance. And politics, normally a pleasant diversion, are FUBAR now more than I have ever seen. Both presidential candidates are seriously lacking, in their own ways. Seriously fucking lacking. Not only am I not enthused by either, I am dismayed to realize that, once again, it is down to voting for the one I find the least personally offensive at the time. Son of a bitch.

We’ll ask your dad for the keys to the Honda
Can your sister come along? How could she not wanna?
Put the Beach Boys on, I wanna hear “Help Me Rhonda”
Put the Beach Boys on, I wanna hear “Help Me Rhonda”

The Astros are mediocre this year, too. Godammit. This summer, I am telling you. . . ehhh.

Death is everywhere about, I have been laying low, I’ll admit it. I know all this shit is random, but when the GR is harvesting nearby and all around, my thinking is to stay out of sight and don’t give dude any more ideas. Three friends, all my age, just in the last two months. Whack, whack, whack. I’m going back down into my hole now.

Fuck this summer. Wake me up when September comes. Or maybe November.

We’ll drive to the delta
We’ll take off our clothes and jump into the river
Ain’t nobody around, ain’t nobody gonna see us
Take off your clothes and jump into the water

It’s a summertime thing

-- Chuck Prophet, Summertime Thing


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