Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Weird-Ass Self

Being Abraham Maslow

As part of my ongoing quest for self-actualization, I am supposed to make an honest assessment of myself. There doesn't seem to be any point to this, other than embarrassment. Perhaps embarrassment is good for the, soul. Or something.

1.) I am not particularly religious, but there are a half-dozen or so TV clergy I will go to great lengths to not miss their shows; everything from Catholic priests to some guys of whom I have no real idea what denomination they represent. There's even a rabbi-for-Jesus guy I like to watch. I don't know the reasons behind this, except I am certain it is not some wayward search for spiritual truth (which is what my family thinks.) At any rate, I find them more entertaining than 99% of what passes for "prime time" on the networks.

2.) I don't like sushi or steak tartar or anything like that, but I went through a stage as a kid where I really liked raw bacon. My mom nearly went crazy over this; she told me I would get trichinosis (some kind of worm?) for sure. So I had to sneak the bacon. You haven't known shame until you have been caught red-handed, or rather greasy-handed, sneaking a strip of raw Hormel out of the ice box.

3.) Since I was a kid, whenever I mow the yard I sometimes absentmindedly create vaguely geometric shapes before I finish and everything is even. They kind of look like crop circles sometimes. When I notice them, I never have any conscious recollection at the time of trying to make them. My wife says it just gives more creedence to her growing conviction that I am an alien. Maybe. I should add I sometimes mix alcohol with yardwork.

4.) I haven't seen any ghosts and I don't really believe in that paranormal stuff. I did see my doppelgänger once; Webster's defines doppelgänger as "a spiritual wraith, one's own ghost" which is pretty close, but I thought one had to be dead to have a ghost? Anyway, it would take a lot more space than here to tell that doppelgänger story. And we won't even talk about the time I tripped over a screaming banshee running through my back yard one night. (Note: A screaming banshee should not be confused with the screaming meemies, which are an entirely different thing - Eds.)

5.) I am haunted by plenty of live people; but no dead ones, so far as I know.

6.) I have a friend who is afflicted with a malady called tone-color synesthesia; basically, whenever he hears music, he sees colors floating around in front of him, sort of like watching the default skin on Windows Media Player. That is an affliction I wouldn't mind having. As it is, music affects me more than it should. I have at various times based my entire lifestyle on certain music I was moved by. I have made long-term romantic decisions based on what a girl would or wouldn't tolerate on my stereo. I once got a speeding ticket (88 in a 55, on Highway 69 in N. Lumberton) because a song I really liked came on ("Under Pressure" - ZZ Top). When it got to the part about "she likes cocaine/And making it with great Danes", it made me feel so good I just stomped on the gas -- I never saw the DPS trooper with his radar gun, until it was too late. Even now, certain songs cause me to "zone out" -- basically, to slip into another dimension; so that I may be sitting there right in front of you, but I'm not really there. This often happens at the least appropriate times.

7.) I was once loosely affiliated with a group that called itself the Cult of Nines. This was in college. The rather pretentious title was a philosophical conciet more than anything else -- it had nothing to do with religion. Basically, the group's life philosophy was to strive to always fall just short of some ideal -- make a 99 on a test (instead of 100), give 99% effort, hit .299 for the season, and so on. Some of us believed our obsession with this was caused by overexposure to modern commerce and the practice of price-pointing, where everything in a store is $2.99 or $5.99 or whatever. Instead of just making it an even $3.00 or $6.00, so now everyone's got a fucking dresser drawer full of pennies at home.

8.) I once started my own religion -- Apostrophism -- based on a giant lighted apostrophe I stole off the side of a building occupied by a department store. Had my own set of commandments and everything. But I won't go into that right now.

Otherwise, I am basically normal.

1 comment:

Handle With Kare said...

I love reading your works. Takes me back to my youth, almost...

I hope you get around to telling your doppelgänger and Apostrophism stories.